
Is It A Garden Plant Or A Weed Wildflower?

– Posted in: Native/Invasive

Every flower is a wildflower--a native plant--somewhere, though this is easy to forget when that "somewhere" is on the other side of the world. On the other hand, it's easy to take our own native wildflowers for granted, or even despise them as weeds. And many popular garden plants native to North America had to be recognized as garden-worthy by gardeners in other countries before they were adopted by gardeners here. So, how do you tell if a plant belongs in the garden, or is a wildflower--or a weed?

Bright Spots and Lots of Texture: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day September 2014

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

Unlike mid-summer when there are large drifts of color in the garden, the late summer garden has bright spots and lots of texture," says my friend Layanee, and I couldn't agree more. Many plants have finished blooming, their foliage and seedheads now providing texture, some plants are just reaching their peak, and still others are [...]

August is yellow

– Posted in: Native/Invasive, Plant info

The fields surrounding my house are turning yellow and I know it must be August. I experience the passing of the seasons by what plants are coming into bloom and now it is the goldenrods’ turn. Familiarity can bring indifference and my neighbors often ignore the flowers but I cannot. I can find at least [...]