July 2009

My Man Grows Stupendous Lettuce

– Posted in: Vegetables

He Won't Brag, So I Will My husband would tell you that he had nothing to do with it. Someone else sowed the seeds; he just stuck the seedlings in the ground. God provided the rain. Yeah, but who was up there weeding? All that cool and rainy weather has been good for something: great [...]

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day July 2009

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

Checking back on last year's bloom day post, I see that pretty much the same flowers are blooming, despite our thus far cool and rainy summer. Hollyhocks and bee balm being two notable exceptions: both have buds, but aren't blooming yet. Other laggards: I have larkspur coming on, but I'm not sure it even has [...]

Growing Peas in Cold Climates

– Posted in: Vegetables

Peas in July! Yes, we are harvesting the last of our peas this week. When you garden in a cold climate, you may grow the same vegetables as those in warmer areas, but you don't follow the same schedule. I thought I'd run through our pea time line to give you an idea of how [...]

Hardy Roses from Der Rosenmeister

– Posted in: Roses

Lee Ginenthal loves roses. And it's a good thing for me, and for all you cold climate gardeners out there, that Lee decided to focus on hardy roses which thrive in USDA hardiness zones 5, 4, and even 3. Lee operates Der Rosenmeister nursery from his home outside of Ithaca, NY. I visited there in [...]