
Glug, glug, glug

– Posted in: Hardscaping and Projects, Weather

Upstate NY is drowning! At least, my county is. It's been raining all week, so the ground was saturated, and then this afternoon it really started raining! Must be the kind of downpour they get in Texas all the time. I can't even check how fast it was coming down, because everyone in town is [...]

Wacky Winter Weeding

– Posted in: Garden chores, Weather

Is there anyone in North America not having an atypical winter? These twigs were photographed by Justin in January. After I took the photos for the preceding post the first Saturday in February, I was able to spend a good two hours weeding before being chased inside by rain. For those of you who live [...]

Curiouser and Curiouser

– Posted in: Colchicums, Plant info

As you may be aware, the Northeast has been getting rained on for most of October. The rainy, warmer-than-typical October coming after the unusually hot and dry summer has made for some unusual plant activity: Many of the plants that went dormant or semi-dormant in the heat came back and produced another flush of bloom. [...]

March is Going Out Like a Lamb

– Posted in: Garden chores, Weather

After the miserable snowy weather in the middle of March the month has made a dramatic turn for the better in these last few days. It started on Sunday the 28th which dawned clear and sunny. The day followed in the steps of the morning and Monday kept up the same and today as well. [...]

Mud Season is here

– Posted in: Mud Season, Weather

I can tell by the dirty footprints leading from the front door to the bathroom. All the compacted snow is off our driveway, which used to be a gravel driveway but is now a dirt driveway, due to all the snow shoveling over the years, which throws both snow and gravel onto the lawn. (You [...]

One Man’s Snow is Another Man’s Treasure

– Posted in: Miscellaneous
yardstick measuring snowfall

Reading Texans Bill and M Stevens enthuse about their itty-bitty snowfall made me think of this Wall Street Journal article I clipped out a couple of months ago. It seems that a Houston-based company called Ice Express charges big bucks to spray artificial snow around for that special event. A 30 foot by 24 foot [...]

My new toy

– Posted in: Weather, Wishlist

For my birthday, my oldest son Teman got me a wireless min-max thermometer, but we discovered that it didn't go down lower than 32°F unless you used the probe, which, of course, isn't wireless. I remembered the one I had admired (at our car mechanic's office) had the Weather Channel logo on it, so I [...]

April Weather

– Posted in: Weather

It snowed last night. Tonight there is still snow on the ground. This is the 8th of April, and the winter has lasted quite long enough, thank you. There are two ways to view these late season forays of winter. A person can either despair or hope. When the snow of a long winter melts [...]

Eighteen inches of snow on the ground

– Posted in: Weather

I don't have any bare ground for crocus to be poking up through--we have at least 18 inches of snow on the ground. Is it because the crocus are near the heated greenhouse that they are coming up? I hope some time this winter you and Judy both can tell us what size and type [...]