
Time: The Essence of a Garden (Garden Notes, No. 5, 2011)

– Posted in: Design, Lilactree Farm, Plant info, What's up/blooming

Herbert Butterfield's essay (The Whig Interpretation of History) was an attack on liberal triumphalism [i.e., the 'Whig interpretation']…Whig history purveyed a concept of progress as the central theme of English history…It has become common among historians to speak of 'whig history' for any subjection of history to what is essentially a teleological view of the [...]

Hitch Lyman’s Temple Nursery Garden

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

I visited Hitch Lyman's garden in Trumansburg, NY. on May 8th. It was one of the Garden Conservancy's Open Gardens, as I mentioned previously. His Temple Nursery is the only U.S. nursery that specializes in snowdrops. The snowdrops were long gone, but lilacs and species peonies were blooming. Hitch Lyman has a wonderful Greek Revival [...]

Canada thistle, the plague of my peonies

– Posted in: Pests, Plagues, and Varmints

Canada thistle weaves throughout the peony bedObservant readers may have noticed the prickly-leaved weed sidling up to 'Rozella' in my last post. That dastardly villain is Canada thistle, aka Cirsium arvense, and it is one nasty customer. According to the University of California Cooperative Extension, Once established, Canada thistle spreads rapidly by horizontal roots, up [...]

Peonies: Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

– Posted in: Peonies

'Bev' was planted in fall 2002 and has filled out substantiallyPeonies remind me of my paternal grandmother. Whether it was an evening with her bridge group, Sunday Mass, or a family cookout, she always dressed fashionably, including fully applied makeup and perfume. To be called glamorous was a compliment she always appreciated. She also grew [...]

The Ladies

– Posted in: Peonies, Plant info

I'd like you to meet three special friends of mine: Aimee Bev Rozella I purchased 'Aimee' (actually 'Aimee's Pink') from Brent and Becky's Bulbs in autumn of 2000. It has taken her a while to build up strength, though I suspect if last year hadn't been so bad for spring flowers (with temps in the [...]