forcing bulbs

Gardening Books To Give Or Get

– Posted in: Book reviews

Henry Nicholson Ellacombe believed that every great gardener reads a lot of gardening books: I have always found that a lover of gardens and flowers is also more or less a lover and reader of books. … and the more they love their gardens and their flowers the more they wish to read about them; [...]

Forced Hyacinths

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

Forcing hyacinths is not that difficult. The hardest part is remembering to order them early and start chilling them soon enough. If you want them to bloom in mid-January, you should start chilling them by October 23rd. At that point in the gardening season, you are more likely to be frantically planting the last of [...]

Flowering Houseplants to Stave Off Cabin Fever: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day January 2012

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

The weather outside is finally frightful (subzero Fahrenheit as I write this, and dropping), so I can't show you the pansy that had been blooming in the unseasonably mild weather. I do have more blooms than usual in the house for January, thanks to a thoughtful friend, a container plant wintering indoors, and an impulse [...]

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2010

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

There's Nothing Blooming Outside The plants I saw two and a half weeks ago are buried under snow. No Houseplants Are Blooming The Christmas cactus that provided a bloom this time last year dropped its one and only blossom a couple of days ago. My Forced Bulbs Aren't Ready Yet--Neither Hyacinths My forced hyacinth is [...]