
Decoy weather: Unseasonably mild

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

Decoy weather--an apt term. Somehow, once October is over, it's hard to call it Indian Summer anymore. I have noticed around here that we consistently have one day in the first week of November that is warm and sunny. I always give the kids the day off from school then and have a general clean [...]

Glitter and glory

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

18 degrees at 6am; back to cold weather again after a couple of weeks of decoy weather--days into the 50's & even 60! The frost was so beautiful at sunrise this morning (9:10 am because of Black Mountain & Katka peak) that I was mesmerised. It was land of glitter & glory: prismatic rainbows and [...]

Prepare ye for frost

– Posted in: How-to

You were smart to bring them in. You don't want the roots to freeze. Once they are in the ground, I would try to protect the tops for about a week to let them settle in. (The traditional vegetable garden protection is bed sheets from the house. You could also use the pot they just [...]

Measuring the First Frost

– Posted in: Tools and Equipment

Had our first frost last night, which for around here, was later than usual. I don't know exactly how cold it got last night, but I wish I did. I've been looking at digital max-min thermometers, especially the wireless ones, for a while now, but the price keeps me from indulging. It always comes back [...]


– Posted in: Miscellaneous

I weeded half the asparagus bed yesterday. It hadn't been weeded at all this season because of my hospital stay and then Deirdre being born, and since it hadn't been weeded it was never mulched. The asparagus seem to be doing okay despite the neglect, although some are leaning way over, which makes me think [...]