Plant info

Jewelweed: Wildflower Wednesday

– Posted in: Native/Invasive

If you have to have a weed in your garden, jewelweed is a great choice. In fact, if it doesn't grow in your garden, I feel a little bit sorry for you. It's as nice a weed as a gardener could wish for--if a gardener needed to wish for weeds. Read more to find out why!

What’s Blooming In My Damp Meadow

– Posted in: Native/Invasive, What's up/blooming

I get so engrossed with gardening around the house during the summer that I tend to ignore the wilder parts of our property. I decided to remedy that and take a walk through our damp meadow, and I'm glad I did. Why don't you join me, and we'll see what we can see. There are a few plants I didn't realize were growing on our property, and plenty of the usual suspects. Maybe you can help me identify some of them!

The Flowery Lawn

– Posted in: Native/Invasive

What would happen if you didn't mow your lawn? We often let the grass get pretty shaggy before we mow for the first time, and you might be surprised at how pretty it looks. Also, learn the difference between a flowery lawn and a cropped meadow.

New Peonies! Lovely And Mysterious

– Posted in: Peonies, What's up/blooming

Two and a half years ago I acquired a couple of peonies through a members-only sale of my local chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society (NARGS). You may not realize this, but most rock gardeners get interested in alpine plants after years of gardening experience. They are all plant geeks and expert (or [...]

Red Elderberry: Wildflower Wednesday

– Posted in: Native/Invasive, The Secret Garden

I've lived here over five years now, but just when I think I've seen all the plants that grow wild here, another one catches my attention and arouses my curiosity. Several people suggested it was baneberry, and baneberry does bloom around the same time, with a similarly shaped flower. Only one problem: Baneberry is herbaceous, and the flowers were blooming on a woody plant. Hmm, what could it be?