Still More Garden Tweeters

– Posted in: Blogging Art and Practice

Even as I was writing my first post about garden twitterers (aka tweeters), I was discovering new ones and agonizing about the ones I didn’t include. So here are some more. Plus, at the end, more hints about finding more on your own.

Twitter Groups

That’s it. I’m done making lists. If you are interested in following still more gardeners, join a Twitter Group. Once you have joined a group, it is easy to find and follow more members in the group. I know of three started about gardening: Greenthumbs, Gardens of the World, and Green Twitters.

About the Author

Kathy Purdy is a colchicum evangelist, converting unsuspecting gardeners into colchicophiles. She gardens in rural upstate NY, which used to be USDA Hardiness Zone 4 but is now Zone 5. Kathy’s been writing since 4th grade, gardening since high school, and blogging since 2002. Find her on Instagram as kopurdy.

In the end, this may be the most important thing about frost: Frost slows us down. In spring, it tempers our eagerness. In fall, it brings closure and rest. In our gotta-go world–where every nanosecond seems to count–slowness can be a great gift. So rather than see Jack Frost as an adversary, you could choose to greet him as a friend.

~Philip Harnden in A Gardener’s Guide to Frost: Outwit the Weather and Extend the Spring and Fall Seasons

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Angela (In the Cottage Garden) January 4, 2009, 3:58 am

Oh, Kathy, thank you so much for including me on your list (Cottage Magpie!). As it turns out, I just decided to spin-off my gardening life into it’s own blog (In the Cottage Garden), and I’m Twittering in a separate account as well, — sorry for the trouble! 🙂
~Angela 🙂

Kathy Purdy January 4, 2009, 11:06 am

Angela, I tried to include everyone gardening-related I was following at the time. I’m sure people will find your new gardening tweet when they look at your other profile. I decided to make my one Twitter account more inclusive and not just related to gardening. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I hope you’ll comment again.

kate December 31, 2008, 10:49 pm

Wow! You must have included every garden-related twitter person in your lists! I don’t do enough on twitter … but I quite enjoy it when I do.
There seem to be new people every day …

ilona December 27, 2008, 10:20 pm

Thanks so much for including me ( truegrit). Any garden blogger who wants to request to follow I’d love to add.

So Kathy, have you tried any of the garden groups? I haven’t, yet. Twitter is definitely something to learn more of in the coming year. There are many social groups , but the ones that will make a difference is going to be key.

Twitter is quickly rising to the top of online usefulness in connecting for beneficial info.

{love you Mr. BrownThumb} keep on keepin’ on 🙂

MrBrownThumb December 23, 2008, 12:48 am

Thanks for including me in the list. I don’t tweet that often as most others. I like to use it as a mini blog on my garden blog.