Weather Blogs

– Posted in: Recommended Links, Weather

WeatherUnderground has provided space for weather nuts to blog about their interest for a while now, but recently they started featuring blogs authored by real meteorologists. I’ve been following Eastern And Midwestern U.S. Winter Weather Blog and really enjoying the peek behind the curtain. Turns out the weathermen aren’t always so certain of the forecast they release to the general public, because there’s conflict between the various computer-generated models or because there are variables that can’t be predicted. Of course, there’s a lot of jargon that goes right over my head, but I understand enough to get the general point they’re trying to make.

About the Author

Kathy Purdy is a colchicum evangelist, converting unsuspecting gardeners into colchicophiles. She gardens in rural upstate NY, which used to be USDA Hardiness Zone 4 but is now Zone 5. Kathy’s been writing since 4th grade, gardening since high school, and blogging since 2002. Find her on Instagram as kopurdy.

What differentiates a bulb from a perennial plant is that the nourishment for the flower is stored within the bulb itself.…There is something miraculous about the way that a little grenade of dried up tissue can explode into a complete flower.

~Monty Don in The Complete Gardener pp. 142

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Kathy Purdy December 22, 2005, 12:34 pm

I hope you get as much out of it as I do, Zoey.

zoey December 20, 2005, 7:19 pm

Kathy, you find the most interesting sites.
Thank you for the weatherman’s blog. I have bookmarked it for further reading.