Website Tinkerings: Cold Climate Gardening in Transition

– Posted in: About this site

I am still trying to make my peace with the idea that I enjoy messing around with the computer almost as much as (okay, sometimes even more than) I enjoy gardening. The fact of the matter is, I was a bookworm as a child, and physical activity still does not come naturally to me. Sitting in a chair and using my brain is a habit of much longer standing. Still, it seems almost criminal to spend such a nice day inside, what with all those weeds out there. Hard to reconcile myself to the idea that they are both equally valid hobbies, and the most important thing is to keep them in balance with my responsibilities.

Among the many things I like to do with the computer is tinker with this website and get it to perform better and look better. I’ve been working for a while now on getting the content from the old site moved over here. You can check out what I’ve moved over so far by clicking on the various items in the Menu part of the sidebar. This was formerly titled “Work in Progress,” which it still is, but I thought it would be less confusing to label it by its function instead of its current status. I also rearranged the various sections of the sidebar, and I’ve adjusted the “Garden Blog” section, which I’ve renamed “For Your Reading Pleasure,” to show links to ten garden blogs, chosen at random. The list was just getting too long for a sidebar, and it was easy to let your eyes just glaze over when faced with so many choices. With only ten choices, you might actually notice one you hadn’t heard of and be motivated to check it out. My full list is still available as the Garden Blog Directory from the menu in the sidebar. I’m gradually fleshing this directory out, with the help of a complete stranger who added some additional functions to WordPress for me in his Link Library plugin. This plugin has allowed me to display the links in various categories in a manner similar to how I had them at the old website. I am actually using a beta version of the plugin that incorporates even more features.

If you check out some of the items in the menu, you might find things that look funny, or even broken. I’m learning as I go, and I often have to depend on the kindness of strangers to help me out. If you find broken links, please let me know about it, and please excuse the rest of the mess. Now, back to what I was supposed to be doing . . .

About the Author

Kathy Purdy is a colchicum evangelist, converting unsuspecting gardeners into colchicophiles. She gardens in rural upstate NY, which used to be USDA Hardiness Zone 4 but is now Zone 5. Kathy’s been writing since 4th grade, gardening since high school, and blogging since 2002. Find her on Instagram as kopurdy.

Now, the digging and dividing of perennials, the general autumn cleanup and the planting of spring bulbs are all an act of faith. One carries on before the altar of delayed gratification, until the ground freezes and you can’t do any more other than refill the bird feeder and gaze through the window, waiting for the snow. . . . Meanwhile, it helps to think of yourself as a pear tree or a tulip. You will blossom spectacularly in the spring, but only after the required period of chilling.

~Adrian Higgins in The Washington Post, November 6, 2013

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Claire June 20, 2005, 7:34 pm

I have to admit that I love to “tinker” around with my computer also. My three main pass times these days are gardening, genealogy and playing with my computer…..How very sad I am!

Alice Nelson June 20, 2005, 4:02 pm

Right now I don’t have time to switch to anything else, except my company books that are far behind due to a fmaily reunion, a daughter visiting from Nebraska, and weather. So this weather that is too hot to work in is a good chance to catch up, except that includes catching up with hosework, too. Since I am relatively unversed in computer, the most I can do is email, etc. Our weather patterns here in Michigan’s U.P. are controlled a lot by wind patterns. If the wind is SW, we get the heat off the plains; if N – NW it is off Lake Superior, which is cool. We are 15 miles from the lake, but never go to Marquette without a jacket. At the same time, because they are warmer in the winter because of the lake, they are a zone 5, while we are 4. South of us, farther from the lake it is Zone 3. Makes it fun to plan gardens for others. It can get to 100 here, and we have had -30 in the winter.
What is worse, is if we have a warm up sometime during late winter and then a sudden drop, it can do devastating things to trees and shrubs.
We usually have plenty of snow cover (up to 4 feet) so we don’t have to worry about things under the snow. Makes life interesting.

Judy Miller June 20, 2005, 3:41 pm

Switching from one creative pursuit to another allows the brain/spirit to rest & regroup, making both better and keeping you sane in the process. Joanie Mitchell refers to this as crop rotation and I agree. Don’t apologize! (Potter/farmer/weaver/nurserywoman/soapmaker/webdesigner/printmaker/cook. . .)