
Forced Hyacinths

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

Forcing hyacinths is not that difficult. The hardest part is remembering to order them early and start chilling them soon enough. If you want them to bloom in mid-January, you should start chilling them by October 23rd. At that point in the gardening season, you are more likely to be frantically planting the last of [...]

Cornell Site Helps Match Spring Bulbs With Early Perennials

– Posted in: Design, Recommended Links

If you're like me, every spring you walk around the garden looking at the fresh leaves of emerging perennials, thinking that you should really plants some spring flowering bulbs nearby to take advantage of the lovely foliage. But I never write down my ideas, and I always forget. Fortunately, researchers with the Horticulture Department of [...]

The Great Houseplant Census of 2010

– Posted in: Plant info

Mr. McGregor's Daughter, in an effort to promote domestic harmony*, has requested gardeners everywhere to tally up the number of plants they currently have growing inside. Here are my results: Outdoor Plants Wintering Over 1 rosemary 1 'Rehoku Sunrise' carex (an experiment) 1 apple seedling (my middle daughter's experiment) 1 orange tree grown from seed [...]

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2010

– Posted in: What's up/blooming

There's Nothing Blooming Outside The plants I saw two and a half weeks ago are buried under snow. No Houseplants Are Blooming The Christmas cactus that provided a bloom this time last year dropped its one and only blossom a couple of days ago. My Forced Bulbs Aren't Ready Yet--Neither Hyacinths My forced hyacinth is [...]

Signs of Spring

– Posted in: Garden chores, What's up/blooming

The Gardener in her Garden Here I am this past Sunday transplanting Lemon Lilies (Hemerocallis flava) from the back of the Birthday Garden to the front of it. They are a very old-fashioned daylily, but not as vigorous as the Tawny Daylily (H. fulva). Although they bloom early for a daylily, they are shorter than [...]