
Glitter and glory

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

18 degrees at 6am; back to cold weather again after a couple of weeks of decoy weather--days into the 50's & even 60! The frost was so beautiful at sunrise this morning (9:10 am because of Black Mountain & Katka peak) that I was mesmerised. It was land of glitter & glory: prismatic rainbows and [...]

Prepare ye for frost

– Posted in: How-to

You were smart to bring them in. You don't want the roots to freeze. Once they are in the ground, I would try to protect the tops for about a week to let them settle in. (The traditional vegetable garden protection is bed sheets from the house. You could also use the pot they just [...]

Planting perennials in autumn

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

What's up with perennials? I brought them in because of frost warnings. Are they okay if I put them in the ground today? I think I am going to turn my cornfield into a giant nursery bed and just put stuff in the ground. When can I move stuff? Can I move them until the [...]

Measuring the First Frost

– Posted in: Tools and Equipment

Had our first frost last night, which for around here, was later than usual. I don't know exactly how cold it got last night, but I wish I did. I've been looking at digital max-min thermometers, especially the wireless ones, for a while now, but the price keeps me from indulging. It always comes back [...]