
Heirloom Narcissus

– Posted in: Narcissus, Plant info, What's up/blooming

First I'd better define my terms. By narcissus, I mean plants in the genus Narcissus, which many know as daffodils or jonquils. By heirloom, I mean that I inherited them. There is probably an official definition of "heirloom" as relates to Narcissus, but I don't know what it is. I have seen some of my [...]

Signs of Spring

– Posted in: Garden chores, What's up/blooming

The Gardener in her Garden Here I am this past Sunday transplanting Lemon Lilies (Hemerocallis flava) from the back of the Birthday Garden to the front of it. They are a very old-fashioned daylily, but not as vigorous as the Tawny Daylily (H. fulva). Although they bloom early for a daylily, they are shorter than [...]

Heads Up

– Posted in: Wishlist

Just in case you're too busy enjoying summer, I'd like to point out to you that many fall bulb catalogs have deadlines coming up. If you order before the deadline, you get a discount that, while not stupendous, might offset some, or all, of the shipping cost for you. Odyssey Bulbs and Brent and Becky's [...]