Seeds and Seed Starting

How to Garden Like You’re in the Tropics
When You’re Stuck in the Snow

– Posted in: How-to, Seeds and Seed Starting

Editor's note: Starting seeds is usually something cold climate gardeners do in the wi-- no, I won't say that word. But some seeds can be started now. Guest blogger Lisa Ueda shares her method for starting cannas from seed. My winter vacation destination of choice has always been the Florida Keys, where I usually fantasize [...]

Seeds for Cold Climates

– Posted in: Seeds and Seed Starting

Seeds of vegetables grown in cold climates need to have a short length to maturity and an ability to tolerate cooler than typical temperatures--day and night. You can look in any general seed catalog for terms like "short growing season," "early-bearing," "tolerates cool evenings," or even the magic words, "especially bred for northern growers." It's [...]