October 2013

The Cabin Fever Bed: Part 1

– Posted in: Cabin Fever Bed, New House, New Gardens

Cabin fever is a colloquial expression that means different things to different people. Wikipedia defines it as a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group is isolated and/or shut in a small space, with nothing to do for an extended period. Cabin fever describes the extreme irritability and restlessness a person may [...]

The Last of the Colchicums

– Posted in: Colchicums, What's up/blooming

As those of you who follow me or the Cold Climate Gardening page on Facebook know, I gave a talk on colchicums yeseterday for the Adirondack Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society, which meets in Ithaca--not the Adirondacks. The day before my talk, I decided to pick any fresh-looking colchicums and take them [...]

Colchicum Patrol: Week 6

– Posted in: Colchicums, What's up/blooming

Last but not least, 'Waterlily' closes the colchicum season. As I said before, I often don't get to see this blooming at its best. We often have hard freezes by the time 'Waterlily' blooms, reducing it to a sodden brown mush. Yet Bob Brown, in a Gardens Illustrated article, says "if I had to choose [...]

Colchicum Patrol: Week 5

– Posted in: Colchicums, What's up/blooming

Colchicum season is winding down. I only found two new varieties blooming when I went out on patrol. But plenty of the ones I've already profiled continue to send up flowers.'Spartacus' is new this year for me. Right now it has the same pastel color as C. byzantinum, but since I've never grown it before, [...]

Autumn Mourning

– Posted in: Garden chores, Meditations, What's up/blooming

The weather has been glorious. Perfectly blue skies providing a backdrop as the leaves change to their brilliant autumnal colors. It makes my heart sing--and mourn.Not because winter is coming, per se. I live in a cold climate; winter is supposed to come.But not before I get through my gardening list! Yes, by the time [...]