July 2006

Free Hellebores

– Posted in: Miscellaneous, Recommended Links

Yes, they're free, and yes, there's a catch. Barry Glick and the staff at Sunshine Farm and Gardens breed hellebores, the fanciest fancy-pants hellebores you ever saw. And before they can sell them, they have to name them. Just to make things interesting, they have an ongoing Hellebore Naming Contest. You look over the candidates, [...]

The Purple-and-Gold Bed

– Posted in: Plant info, What's up/blooming

Over fifteen years ago, my very first plant order had an error in it. I had ordered coral bells (Heuchera) and I was sent Heliopsis 'Summer Sun' instead. The mail order nursery very quickly remedied their mistake, sending me the coral bells and advising me to keep the false sunflower. Great, I thought, free plants. [...]