October 2004

This is a test

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

One of the few irritations I've had using non-IE browsers is that Movable Type's text editing buttons only showed up in IE. This is because those buttons depended on some code that only worked in IE. Well, if this test post works, I've just found a fix. Using code and following the explanations found on [...]

Colchicum giganteum

– Posted in: Colchicums

Here is another one where I am not sure I have a correctly identified plant, mostly, I suppose, because it is surely not the biggest colchicum on the block. On the other hand, I think Bowles' description fits: "In C. giganteum the segments open out more widely and remain expanded at an angle of forty-five [...]

Colchicum speciosum

– Posted in: Colchicums

I bought this from Odyssey Bulbs because I wanted to see how it compared with the C. speciosum I had gotten from another source several years earlier. Wouldn't you know it, I forgot to take a whiff of the newcomer. But it looks pretty much like the other speciosum. I guess having a lilac tube [...]

Colchicum autumnale ‘Nancy Lindsay’

– Posted in: Colchicums

I planted 'Nancy Lindsay' last year but couldn't get a photo then. I have yet to see what the autumnale type looks like, but this flower is much bigger and shaped differently than the C. autumnale 'Album' that bloomed for me earlier this fall. I can see why it was originally considered its own species: [...]