September 2003

Autumn Queen

– Posted in: Colchicums

This is Colchicum 'Autumn Queen,' one of my recent purchases. It's the one that was practically blooming in the bag, so it's no surprise it was up two days after I planted it. By the way, there's an article in the October 2003 issue of Horticulture that tells you everything I know about colchicums. It [...]

What Goes Around Comes Around

– Posted in: Garden chores, Plant info

I cleared out a spot in the Purple-and-Gold bed to plant the Chrysanthemum superbum 'Polaris' daisies that my friend Bub gave me. These were daisies that I had bought from White Flower Farm several years ago and had shared with her. Subsequently they died out on me, so she graciously shared them back. Since having [...]