September 2002


– Posted in: Miscellaneous

I weeded half the asparagus bed yesterday. It hadn't been weeded at all this season because of my hospital stay and then Deirdre being born, and since it hadn't been weeded it was never mulched. The asparagus seem to be doing okay despite the neglect, although some are leaning way over, which makes me think [...]

Not Enough Rain

– Posted in: Miscellaneous

We got rain last weekend, but not near enough to help the garden. I keep waiting for the soil to get truly soaked through before doing any weeding. Sometime soon I expect to get a delivery of two peonies, and I'd love to plant them in well-watered ground. But according to the Drought Monitor, we [...]

Colchicums: Planting and Blooming

– Posted in: Colchicums

Planted Colchicum atropurpureum in the ell of the house this past Saturday, and I see something, either cat or renegade chicken, has dug up the tag. {Sigh} This is especially a problem as I've planted many different varieties in the spot. It's sort of a nursery bed for my pet colchicums, as I think it [...]

Lilac Books

– Posted in: Book reviews, Colchicums

I've been reading Lilacs for the Garden by Jennifer Bennett. It's a much more approachable book than Fiala's Lilacs: The Genus Syringa and has detailed information on numerous cultivars and species. I've discovered lilacs that bloom earlier and later than the ones in my garden, especially fragrant lilacs, especially hardy lilacs, and lilacs that do [...]